Monday, January 23, 2012

Three times a charm

So I finally have time to post a blog. I wanted to do it when I posted week three's photo, but I didn't have time to write. I worked all weekend. All week long I've been taking photos. And it turns out I wasn't satisfied with any of them. I was going to use a photo I didn't like as this week's photo. But I decided at the last minute to go to this small little park by the highway I drive on every day and try some photos there.

I got down there, and it was so magical! I started snapping photos right away, hoping for good results. turns out, this last minute photo shoot was the one. Everything about the finished photo is perfect in my own eyes, although very different from how I thought it would turn out. So here it is. Week 3, Ano Niwa. Click on it to look at all the details in the larger image. And there's also a link to it on my Flickr. And one more thing, I've also included all the reject photos from this week.

Ano Niwa

Sort of a before and after

And the reject photos- this first one is an epic fail of a Brenizer.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Touryn's adventures in the cow kingdom!

 Well hello there! You, there, reading this right now.

I need to stop being so weird. No I don't. But so anyway. I went for a walk today, and did something I so totally don't ever do. I took pictures.

Shocking, I know. But in all seriousness. I went into the woods by the road. I didn't go too far in because someone's house was next to the forest. And I so totally didn't want them seeing me and running out going "ASFDGDGET OUTTA HERE!", and stuff. But I did wander in, drop my coat and bag, and set up. To start shooting photos. You know.

So as I was taking some test shots, I hear something behind me. And keep in mind that I took my glasses off, and also that I'm sitting on the ground. So I look behind me, and I see this cow across the road. It looked like it was walking right towards me, so I started freaking out. Not in an insane flapping-my-arms way or anything, but it shocked me. Then I remembered, "Oh yeah. There's a fence keeping those cows in. They can't come attack me like zombie cows and stuff!" lulz.

And another cow story from today. Me, taking more test shots, looking behind me, and seeing a random cow run across the field thats across the road from where I'm shooting. It made me lolz. So to end this entry, here's some outtakes from today's photoshoot. Man, I wish I had a photo companion so we could have epic times like these, instead of me having these times aloneeeeeeeeee But anyway. Until next time, signing off =)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Learning new editing methods

I honestly have no idea if I'll keep up with a blog, since I've never kept up with one before. But, yeah. Instead of spamming my own flickr page with outtakes of photoshoots, I figure, why not post them on a blog instead! And stuff.
So I recently learned of this photo editing method that really intrigued me. It's called the Brenizer Method. Ryan Brenizer, who's an amazing photographer, came up with this technique. You can find him on flickr just by searching his name.
So I downloaded a free trial version of photoshop (I have paint shop pro and I don't think i can do this with psp), and went outside and took some test shots. Here's what came out of it. The first one is the crop, and the second one is the god awful mostrosity original.

Eh, I could probably have made it bigger by using the clone brush. But, it's only the first try. And the focus isn't great at all. So I'll try again tomorrow. So until next time =)